Saturday, September 6, 2014

birthday in que :EXO Chen's birthday!!

생일 축하합니다~ 생일 축하합니다~  
saranghaeyo, 김종대~~ 
생일 축하합니다~~~ 
woohoo!! *throw confetti*

yeah. it's still to early. I know. 
but on 21st, I might be too busy since it's already my final semester examination.
so, yep. 첸 oppa, saeng-il chukha!! 
김종대 oppa, happy birthday!! 生日快樂 (shengri kuaile) !!

oppa. be healthy~
I know you're gonna say that you're always that skinny though you'd ate a lot,
but still.. eat a lot!
I don't want my ultimate oppa got sick.
you always hide thing to yourself. that's why it's kinda hard to tell if you're well or not.
but I still can detect it. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

well, it's only because of one reason.
a lot. so much. *blush*

I've been noticing that oppa have become more and more charismatic,
and more attractive.
you've gain a lot of fans!!
it's a good thing for you, oppa! *thumbs up*
but still, it kinda bothering me. I love oppa first. tsk. *pout*

well. I don't mind at all.
as long as EXO is on the top! Kim Jongdae on the top!

p/s : give me more chenbaek feels~ I need it. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I love your OST from the movie It's Okay, That's Love.
thumbs up!!

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sila tinggalkan komen anda di sini..
SATU pun jadi lah ! hehee