Tuesday, December 20, 2011

hari paling sedih sepanjang 15 tahun aku hidup kat bumi Allah ni..

aku pun dah tak tahu apa yg aku nak cakap..
segala kesedihan, keperitan, kedukaan yang terkandung dalam hatiku ini,
sangat sukar untuk aku ungkapkan atau nukilkan kepada kata-kata..
terlalu pedih apa yang aku lalui hari ini..

sebelum cuti hujung tahun bermula,
aku dah berjanji dengan kawan-kawan rapat aku, nak adakan jalan2 sebelum ambil result PMR..
balik tu, aku dah tnya my parents..
diorang cakap,
okey, pergilah
siang berganti malam, hari berganti hari,
aku tunggu saat2 indah, keluar makan bersama dengan kawan-kawan, main bowling dengan mereka,
beli barangan cenderamata sama-sama, sangat seronok dapat lakukan segalanya dengan sahabat..
banyak perkara yang perlu aku lalui sebelum tibanya hari tersebut, iaitu 20 Disember 2011..
contohnya, terpaksa pergi CAMPING BODOH kat Selangor, BUANG MASA kat Perak, SIA-SIAKAN TENAGA aku untuk beli barangan hantaran untuk majlis pertunangan akak aku, BERPANAS-TERIK temankan akak aku berniaga kat POLITEKNIK, macam2 yang aku perlu buat sebelum tibanya hari yang aku nanti-nantikan hampir sebulan ini..
aku macam orang bodoh, ORANG BODOH! sebab setuju je nak buat semua benda ni..
padahal, aku patut sedar,
semua yang aku buat ni, takkan pernah dihargai pun..
family aku bukan kisah berapa baldi peluh aku menitik sekadar nak penuhi kehendak diorang je..
yang diorang tahu,
timah, buat ni! buat tu!
tak pun, kadang2 tu, aku bangun lambat (sebab tak da sapa2 pun yg kejut s***!!)
lepas tu, mula lah :
hang ingat bagus sangat ke bangun lambat2 hah!?
kalau tak cakap macam tu pun, mesti cakap macam ni :
hang ingat hang cantik sangat la nak bangun lambat2!? Bodoh punya budak!
and, yang paling aku tak leh lupakan, ayat ni :
hang hidup ni untuk apa!? takkan la sekadar nak makan, tido, tgk TV, baca komik, main game!? cubalah pikir sikit!!!!?

hahaha.. aku langsung tak dapat nak tahan air mata aku untuk berhenti menitis sekarang ni.. :')
setiap kali aku dikeji dan dihina, aku hanya senyum je..
aku tahu, aku tak layak untuk hidup dalam keluarga ni..
semua ahli keluarga aku, sangat2 lah perfect..
AYAH aku, pernah jadi SENATOR.. malah, lulusan ENGINEER dari Amerika..
MAK aku, suri rumah yg BERJAYA.. pakar dalam semua bidang BAHASA..
KAKAK SULUNG aku, selalu dapat pointer yang terbaik semasa kat MAKTAB PERGURUAN ILMU KHAS.. malah dapat bertunang dengan lelaki kacak, yang penuh dengan ciri-ciri suami idaman mak aku.. (sebab tu mak aku paling sayang kakak sulung aku)
ABANG aku, dia pakar dalam BIDANG KOMPUTER.. dia gak ada kereta.. dia bole berdikari, cari kerja sendiri, cari duit sendiri.. mak aku bangga sangat dengan dia..
KAKAK KEDUA aku, tengah belajar kat POLITEKNIK TUANKU SULTANAH BAHYAH.. walaupun mak aku macam tak berapa suka dekat kakak aku yang ini (sebab dia agak BERSOSIAL), tapi kakak aku kena bersyukur.. sebab mak aku lebih sayangkan dia berbanding aku.. semua keinginan kau mak turutkan...
ADIK-ADIK aku, semua nya manja.. but, yang paling GEDIK dan MANJA tu lah yang paling mak aku sayang...
semua nya sempurna di mata mak aku... but, aku sorang ja yang mak aku sentiasa nampak CACAT-CELAnya merata-rata..
serius ni, aku langsung tak dapat nak tahan air mata aku untuk bergelinang..
dari pagi tadi lagi sehingga sekarang, mata aku merah... sebab aku sentiasa menangis hari ni...
hahahaha... macam orang bodoh kan?? :')
kawan-kawan call pun, aku masih menangis.. penat aku cover suara aku agar tak serak...
harap-harap mereka tak baca post aku yang ini..... :') :')

hanya harap satu benda je...
aku tengah berusaha untuk berubah seperti yang mak aku inginkan
aku harap,
mak aku akan berhenti hina dan keji aku depan adik-beradik aku yang lain lagi...
hanya tu je yang aku mintak buat masa sekarang.. atau sampai bila-bila..

aku sayang Mak..
aku harap,
semua yang mak buat kat aku selama ni,
dah cukup untuk balas semua jasa Mak sebab dah kandungkan aku dan melahirkan aku di dunia ini...
sayang Mak... :')

anak kau yang langsung tak SEMPURNA.. :')

Thursday, December 15, 2011

hihihi.. post kali ni tntg 'dia' ^^

anneyonghaseyo!! hikhik..
aku pun tak tau la knpa aku hepy sangat..
dgr je nama ***, aku jadi seronok.. seronok giler2!!

ok, msty korg pning..
dalam haty korg msty pikir benda yg bukan2.. contoh macam :
'apehal ngn budak ni?' atau 'ttiba je ckp sronok gile2, tpi xckp pn sbb ape' atau 'dia ni sewel ke seronok sorg2?'
ah, lantak la! aku seronok.. bukn snang tau nk tgk aku sronok..
(erk..except tgk video yg ada kaitan dgn Super Junior / Boyfriend / SNSD / Running Man, aku mmg sronok)
but seriously, aku jdi sronok je tiba2..
smpai nk tulis dlm entry blog kot! hahahaha :D

ok, macam ni...
aku jalan2 dalam facebook...
jumpa satu post ni..

Diri ku tercabar dengan Artis KOREA...kenape?melayu xhensem ka?byak-byak artis korea,sye rsa *** hensem lgi..
aku ka..
Like · · Share · Wednesday at 12:11am ·

aduh, nak pecah perut aku gelak!!
ada ka patut dia samakan diri dia dgn artis korea!
tapi, yg best, part tu la..

Diri ku tercabar dengan Artis KOREA...kenape?melayu xhensem ka?byak-byak artis korea,sye rsa *** hensem lgi..
aku ka..
Like · · Share · Wednesday at 12:11am ·

perh.. mmg aku suka la yang tuh..
maaf... mungkin korg ta faham..
ok2.. yg aku letak tanda *** tu, mksudnya, nma tu private..
but, aku leh gitau, org tu adalah org yg dh lama aku minati..
serius, aku dah lama minat dia!!
dari darjah 6.. kalau nak dihitungkan, hampir 3 tahun dah aku minat dia..
serius, bagi aku dia perfect!!
time kawan2 dia asyik kutuk sapa2, dia msty kata : "cubalah ampa pikir positif sama.. ada sebab tu knpa dia buat macam tu..."
Ya Allah.. cair aku!!
maaf.. aku mungkin nampak macam playgirl but, aku hanya meminati dia..
aku tak, malah takkan mungkin sukakan dia...
aku, takkan mungkin layak utk berada di sisinya..
msty ada di antara korg yg cakap dlm haty yg aku ni poyo kan, nak buat ayat2 sedih pulak..
but, seriously!!
aku dapat rasakan, yg aku lngsung tak layak nak dapat dia..
nak cakap dengan dia pun aku dh rasa rndah diri,
apalagi nak memiliki lelaki seperti dirinya..
em, mungkinkah ada peluang bagiku suatu hari nanti??
hahaha, entahlah.. hanya Allah yang tahu... :)
keikhlasannya, sifat setianya, sifat berdikarinya, sifat geniusnya, sifat cergasnya,
semua tu membuatkan aku merasa rendah diri..
(even aku mmg already rendah dari segi ketinggian)
dari dulu lagi aku sedar yg aku patut berhenti meminati dia but...
aku lagi suka terus menyokong apa yg dia lakukan dari jauh... :)
contohnya, macam sokong dia masa main bola?? hikhik... :D

dah terlajak jauh ni..
kat mne tah tdi?
lepas baca je post tuh, tau tak ape yg dia komen???

*** : ang padat....awt naik nama aq? korea lg hensem la ngok.
Wednesday at 12:21am · Like

betapa cool nya dia merendahkan dirinya!!
aduh... mana la aku layak utk berada di sisinya..
tk pe, tk pe..
aku kena kejar cita-cita dulu..
lpas ni, barulah aku leh fikir dgn tenang hal2 rumit macam ni..

alright, aku rasa, that's all utk malam ni...
sbnrnya, ada satu lagi benda yg aku nk tulis dlm entry ni..
but, nty bunyinya macam cemburu buta je..
hmm, xpe lah.. mcm tak sesuai je nk buat entry blog ni...
kan kan kan??? ^^
okay, annyeong~!!!! :) :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

EunHyuk SUPER JUNIOR behind the scene of MV 'Dont Say Anymore'

[F.I.X. Mv "Don't Say Anymore" behind the scene - Starring EunHyuk & JiEun.]

Eunhyuk : Although we didn't kiss, but we have to be very close to each other, so I find it difficult. I am thankful to be selected for this MV because I've never worked with an actress before. Ryeowook's cousin is in FIX, so he should act in this MV. But I'm chosen because I'm a little more handsome than him. I am nervous because it's my first time being the main actor of a music video.

credit : 고모(Clarissa)

note!! please focus to this point!!
Ryeowook's cousin is in FIX, so he should act in this MV. But I'm chosen because I'm a little more handsome than him.

I repeat : EunHyuk said 'I'm chosen because I'm a little more handsome than him' !!

OMG.. What!?
no!! it isn't true!! you are chosen, just because you're taller than him..
not because of face!! I repeat, not because of your GOOD LOOKING!!
urgh~~ I can't said this at Eunhyuk fanpage because, yeah.. dah nma pun EUNHYUK fanpage..
but, we are ELF.. they shouldn't post something like this..
I wish I can tell this to Ryeowook's twitter page..
but, my twitter account can't be opened.. I forgot the password.. hihihi

but oppa, don't worry..
I'm always here to back-up you.. :)
I promise.. PINKY PROMISE!! ^^

special selitan :

EH: Hello ETN Entertaintment Station
JJ: I am Jang JiEun
EH: And I am Eunhyuk. Nice to meet you.
MC: The new 4-member boy group FIX and Super Junior’s Eunhyuk who came out to help
MC: I will take you to the sets of the music video for FIX’s hot debut song ‘Don’t talk’
MC: FIX’s ‘Don’t Talk’ music video set
MC: There is a woman who seems extremely lonely. Where is the other actor?
EH: Hello
MC: There he is, Super Junior’s Eunhyuk
MC: As soon as he arrives, the two will work together as a couple
JJ: Hello, I am a new actor, Jang JiEun
EH: Hello, I am Super Junior’s Eunhyuk. We are Super Junior…
EH: We are at the set of the new group FIX’s music video for its debut song ‘Don’t talk’
MC: The two will be acting as a couple. Aren’t you curious what this would be like?
EH: It’s not a kiss, but we have to shoot until the part right before a kiss. It’s hard.
MC: Do you like the actor?
EH: Of course. Thank you. I’ve never done this with an actress. Thank you. I will do my best.
MC: One of the members of the new group FIX is a cousin of Super Junior’s Ryeowook.
EH: Director, am I supposed to open my eyes or close them?
MC: It is Eunhyuk’s first time acting with an actress. Could it be because of that that he seems nervous?
MC: Eunhyuk, relax.
MC: The shooting continued.
MC: Their lips seems to touch but not quite.
MC: Compared to Eunhyuk, who seemed nervous, Jang JiEun led him with her calmness
DR: Okay, good!
EH: I miss it..
MC: The two sit together to monitor their acting. Do you like how the scene came out?
(Why did you decide to appear in their music video?)
EH: Jungwook, one of the members of FIX, is a cousin of our member Ryeowook
EH: Ryeowook was probably going to appear, but since I was a bit better looking, I came.
FIX: Hello! F.I.X. FIX! Nice to meet you!
FIX: We are a new group and Eunhyuk sunbaenim came to help us, we came by to learn and to say hello
MC: During the short break, Eunhyuk met up with FIX
EH: We look like we are part of one group, right?
FIX: We are Super Junior!
(Is there any advise that you could give them as a sunbae?)
EH: Nothing special, but thinking back to when Super Junior had just debuted, because we had a lot of members, it cost us a lot of food and other things.
EH: If you don’t save up the money when you are starting, you can run out of money
EH: So, if you save up some money from food or rental for the dorms now, you can earn a fortune later. Hwaiting
MC: This time, Eunhyuk was in front of the camera all by himself
MC: Eunhyuk has to act out the emotions of a man that is refusing to breakup with the woman
EH: I am nervous because it’s my first time. It’s the first time I was the main. Even our music videos are not like this.
EH: Also, the hardest part is that I’ve never been dumped. So, I don’t know how I’m supposed to act.
EH: ETN Entertaintment Station, we are at the FIX’s music video set. This winter, please listen to this song and I hope that the couples will not break up. Please anticipate the new group FIX as well.
EH: We were
JJ: Jnag JiEun
EH: And Eunhyuk
JJ AND EH: Thank you

credit to : (Gen)

*Super Junior’s Ryeowook becomes a DJ of Super Junior’s Kiss the Radio*

Super Junior’s Ryeowook told his feelings about becoming a DJ of Super Junior’s Kiss the Radio with Sungmin.

On December 6, Ryeowook tweeted, “I became a radio DJ!!! Thank you for Super Junior’s Kiss the Radio family for greeting me~.”

After finishing his first DJing, he also tweeted, “For people who stayed with me on the historic moment on December 5, please stay with me continuously. Thank you. Sincerely, Ryeowook.”

Ryeowook started DJing from December 5, succeeding Leeteuk and Eunhyuk.

People responded: “Ryeowook and Sungmin, congratulations for becoming DJs,” “I’ll be continuously with you on Super Junior’s Kiss the Radio,” “I’m sure you can do it well. Go, Ryeowook!”

Source: Starnews
Translation by: eternalc2h | Korea.com

credit to : (Kara)

Choi Siwon and Han Ji Min smile for the camera

Super Junior’s Siwon uploaded a photo to his Twitter where actress Han Ji Min and himself posed professionally for the camera, both looking comfortable in each others’ presence.

“With the beautiful Ji Min noona during a CF shoot! She will be greeting her viewers in the new Kdrama ‘Padam Padam‘. This is one that I’m personally so excited for; please show your support by tuning in to JTBC channel 15 at 8:45PM.”

Siwon is seen wearing comfortable clothes, a dark olive green T-shirt that wraps around his body displaying his well-build body. On the other hand, Han Ji Min simply wore an elegant white dress. Both with a wide smile on their faces.

Credit: Siwon’s Twitter, Ningin
Shared on sup3rjunior.wordpress.com by elf101586

Top 10 Twitter Trends of 2011 – Super Junior
Credit: mashable.com
Reupload and Posted by: Destinyhae
main source : ELF FANPAGE

Super Junior also ranks #4 on "Top 10 Trending Musical Artist of 2011!" (cr:@mashable via:@baechuteuk)

*Super Junior quashes break-up rumours*

PETALING JAYA: Amid rumours of a possible break-up, top Korean pop band Super Junior showed solidarity by turning up at a press gathering for M LIVE by CJ MO.A Live 2011, a Malaysian K-pop concert which they headlined, alongside f(x), Miss A and B1A4.

The band, comprising Leeteuk, Yesung, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun, assured their Malaysian fans who came in full force to support their concert at MBPJ Stadium in Kelana Jaya yesterday that everything was “fine and dandy” within the band.

“We don’t face much difficulty as a band,” Leeteuk said.

Still going strong: Super Junior posing during a press gathering for M LIVE yesterday.

“Everyone is playful and happy together. We’re always having fun.”

Formed in 2005, Super Junior started as a 13-member band.

The equally talented boys played an instrumental role in promoting the hallyu (Korean hitwave) abroad for the past six years with their commercially-successful albums like U, Sorry, Sorry, Bonamana and Mr Simple.

While Sorry, Sorry and Bonamana have propelled the boys to superstardom in Malaysia, Taiwan, China, Singapore, Japan, Thailand and the Philippines, their latest studio album, Mr Simple has peaked at No 3 on the Billboard World Albums Chart.

Source: Malaysia Star | By NOORSILA ABD MAJID

‘Mr. Simple’ Music Video 3D Version Filming
Credit: SuperJunior爱上LG

Sunday, December 4, 2011


______________Lee Donghae
_____________My all is in you
____________ Choi Siwon ★ I Am
__________ Cho Kyuhyun ★ It’s you
__________Kim Heechul ★ Here we Go
_________Kim Ryeowook ★ Boom Boom
________Kangin ★ Opera ★ Me ★ Miracle
_______My love, My kiss, My Heart ★ Mirror
______Eunhyuk ★ No Other ★ Blue Tomorrow
_____Yesung ★ Happy Together ★ Coagulation
_____Lee Sungmin ★ Super Girl ★ Oops ★ Twins
___Shindong ★ Perfection ★ Sorry Sorry ★ Believe
__Kim Kibum★ Hangeng ★ Zhoumi ★ Henry ★ A-Cha
_Mr. Simple ★ Superman ★ Sapphire Blue ★ Rokkugo ♥
————————-MERRY CHRISTMAS——————————-
- ¨.•´¨) . ×`•.¸.•´× (¨`•.•´¨). ×`•.¸.•´× (¨`•…“:) ×`•.¸.•´×

jalan2 dlam facebook kjap, jumpa ELF yg post bnda nih..
hihihi... kira repost jela bnda ni.. :)

hari tu, 1 hingga 3 Disember, aku ada gi jalan2 ngn family ke Perak..
tapi, abg and adik lelaki aku yg 12 tahun tak ikut..
abg aku, tak hbis lgi exam kat kolej dya..
adik laki aku lak, ada pra tahfiz kat skola dya..
so, yg pergi, parents and siblings lain..
kitorang gi Perak ni pun, atas sponsor MKJR (Majlis Keselamatan Jalan Raya)..
huhu, sedih kan? nk pakai duit sndiri, mcm ta cukup jer??
bcause rumah aku tgh UPDATE skrg ni..
well, akak sulung nak kahwin la katakan, knalah UPDATE sikit rumah..
baru ber-class sikit.. kekeke

ha! kat Perak, kitorang stay kat sebuah hotel..
nama hotel tu, em.... Damai Laut kot?
hahaha.. mana lah aku nak ingat.. aisey~~
dekat LOBBY hotel, diorang letak satu pokok krismas ni..
BESAR kot.. seriyes~!!
and, sekeliling pokok tu, diorang letak sesuatu..
and guess apa yg diorang letak?
it's teddy bears!!
seriyes, COMEL GILER!!!
keliling pokok tuh, penuh anak patung! tgk pun tau, smua nya mahal2!
YA ALLAH, kalau lah aku dapat curik anak patung tuh!satu aje!!
hahaha.. dush! teruk betul aku nih..
tapi, sedih gk ar bila tgk bear2 tu.. kan best, kalau ada org bgi kat aku anak patung mcm tuh?
aku akn syang org tu sama bnyak dgn bear yg dya bgi.. :)

okay, tu je yg aku nk cita..
hahaha.. main point dya, yg pasal teddy bear tu aje.. kekeke

ok, salam.. :)